When the Buddha looked for an image to describe the force of grasping and the intensity of suffering, he chose fire. In our moment of accelerating planetary warming and a climate crisis brought on by the burning of fossil fuels, fire as a metaphor for greed, endless consumption, and the cycle of pain they create feels all too apt. As we explore the Buddha’s teachings on fire, we find the core insight of the first two Noble Truths—that grasping is the cause of suffering—relevant both for personal healing and awakening, and the collective challenge we face as a culture trying to rein in the ancient forces of greed, hatred, and delusion in ourselves.
In this month’s Dharma study, we look at the famous “Fire Sermon” of the Buddha, and explore craving in personal and collective practice with talks by Amana Brembry Johnson, DaRa Williams, Rick Hanson, Thanissara, Heather Sundberg, and more.