
Teacher: Howard Cohn


Retreat On-Land

September 9 - September 13, 2024 Monday - Friday | 4 nights

Founders Retreat: Insight Meditation with the Spirit Rock Founding Teachers

Full - short waitlist. Spirit Rock invites you to a special Insight Meditation Retreat with senior Spirit Rock teachers who have been here since the beginning. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing clarity and depth of practice. Traditional instructions based on the Foundations of Mindfulness will be combined with daily mettā (lovingkindness) practice, silent sitting and walking periods, guided movement sessions, practice meetings with teachers, and daily Dharma talks.

James Baraz

James Baraz

Howard Cohn

Howard Cohn

Eve Decker

Eve Decker

Stephanie Antoine

Stephanie Antoine


Retreat On-Land

January 4 - January 10, 2025 Saturday - Friday | 6 nights

Winter Insight Retreat

Registration Open (September 4). The Buddha’s teachings and meditation practices remind us of the ever-present possibility of waking up to a sense of well-being, presence, and true nature that does not depend on circumstances. This silent Insight Meditation (vipassanā) retreat welcomes new and experienced meditators and includes instructions in vipassanā meditation following the four foundations of mindfulness. The retreat will also include lovingkindness meditation, meetings with teachers, and evening talks highlighting the central teachings of the Buddha and their practical application to our lives.

Howard Cohn

Howard Cohn

Tara Mulay

Tara Mulay

Erin Treat

Erin Treat

Teresa Todoroff

Teresa Todoroff


Retreat On-Land

August 27 - September 1, 2025 Wednesday - Monday | 5 nights

Labor Day Insight Meditation Retreat

Registration Opens - April 30. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing clarity and depth of practice. Traditional instructions will be combined with a spirit of lovingkindness, and our time together will include a schedule of silent sitting and walking periods, guided Yoga/movement sessions, as well as practice meetings with teachers and daily Dharma talks. This retreat is for experienced as well as new students.

James Baraz

James Baraz

Howard Cohn

Howard Cohn

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Terry Vandiver

Terry Vandiver