
Teacher: Jonathan Relucio

January, 2025

Retreat On-Land

January 10 - January 17, 2025 Friday - Friday | 7 nights

Mettā Retreat: Teachings and Practices to Cultivate a Wise, Awakened, and Responsive Heart -

Registration Open - September 10. Mettā, or lovingkindness, practice is the cultivation of the intention of benevolence as the orientation of our heart and mind. It is also a path to wisdom. We develop our capacity for mettā through meditation in order for it to manifest in our daily lives. Mettā practice strengthens self-confidence, self-acceptance, and steadiness of mind and heart, revealing our fundamental disposition toward kindness. We’ll be joined on one day of the retreat by Sylvia Boorstein, a beloved long-time teacher of mettā.

Donald Rothberg

Donald Rothberg

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Beth Sternlieb

Beth Sternlieb

Diana Winston

Diana Winston

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Jonathan Relucio

Jonathan Relucio

June, 2025

Retreat On-Land

June 27 - July 3, 2025 Friday - Thursday | 7 nights

This is How Civilizations Heal: The Alchemy of the Three Poisons

Open to all self-identified BIPOC.

Lottery Applications Open - February 6. The three poisons—greed, aversion, and delusion—are mind states that cloud the heart and mind. However, by clearly recognizing the three poisons, we can meet them with their antidotes of generosity, mettā, and wisdom. Generosity expands our ability to feel connected and reminds us that we belong to each other. Mettā opens the heart, protecting us from both inner and outer harm, while wisdom allows us to see things right sized as we move through the world.

Leslie Booker

Leslie Booker

Devin Berry

Devin Berry

Yong Oh

Yong Oh

Jonathan Relucio

Jonathan Relucio

August, 2025

Retreat On-Land

August 17 - August 21, 2025 Sunday - Thursday | 4 nights

Five Spiritual Powers: Cultivating Resilience, Balance, and Love

Registration Opens - April 16. The Buddha’s teaching on the five spiritual powers (confidence, effort, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom) offers a path to cultivate these capacities of the heart and transform habits that no longer serve us. Grounded in these teachings, together we will learn powerful and sustainable ways to restore our humanity and bring freedom to all beings. This retreat offers silent meditation, opportunities for movement meditation, Dharma talks, and time to be in nature and honor the natural rhythms of your own practice.

JD Doyle

JD Doyle

Amana Brembry Johnson

Amana Brembry Johnson

Carol Cano

Carol Cano

Jonathan Relucio

Jonathan Relucio

Mario Castillo

Mario Castillo