Mindful Leadership Training

Class Series

Spirit Rock offers weekly and monthly online class series to integrate practice and study into the flow of your life. Series can be a beautiful way to connect with others in the Spirit Rock community, building saṅgha as you study and practice together.

Classes address a wide range of topics, from the study of Buddhist texts to applications of the Dharma to social action, psychology, and professional development. Many series offer Continuing Education Credits. Series are an accessible way to deepen your understanding of the Buddha’s teachings, prepare you for the immersive experience of a Retreat or Dharma Training Program, or help to sustain the momentum of practice between retreats.

Upcoming Class Series

Class Series Online Dharma Institute

January 30 - February 27, 2025 5 Thursdays | 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Finding the Middle Way: The Life & Teachings of the Buddha

Embark on a journey through the life of the Buddha as depicted in the Pāli Canon. Together, we’ll delve into the key events that shaped his path, exploring the profound wisdom embedded in the story of this extraordinary teacher. This class will weave meditations from the foundational discourse on mindfulness, the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, with reading, discussion, and reflection. Both new and experienced practitioners are welcome, and no prior knowledge of Buddhism or meditation is required.

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Class Series On-Land Dharma Institute

February 7 - March 7, 2025 2 full days and 3 half days. Times variable - see details. | 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Write to Wake Up: Creative Writing and Meditation 

Unleash your stories, stir your imagination, and reclaim your voice through immersive weekly sessions of creative writing and meditation. Together we’ll practice writing in a way that helps us wake up. We’ll settle our minds and open our hearts through meditation in movement and stillness, so we can write and share our stories with each other from a deeper place. Through weekly sessions and between-session journaling prompts, you’ll establish or deepen a practice of writing as a transformational path.

Anne Cushman

Anne Cushman

Class Series Online Dharma Institute

February 7 - March 7, 2025 2 full days and 3 half days. Times variable - see details. | 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Write to Wake Up: Creative Writing and Meditation 

Unleash your stories, stir your imagination, and reclaim your voice through immersive weekly sessions of creative writing and meditation. Together we’ll practice writing in a way that helps us wake up. We’ll settle our minds and open our hearts through meditation in movement and stillness, so we can write and share our stories with each other from a deeper place. Through weekly sessions and between-session journaling prompts, you’ll establish or deepen a practice of writing as a transformational path.

Anne Cushman

Anne Cushman

Learn to your heart's content

Stream our curated collection of guided meditations and Dharma talks, read articles by our diverse teachers, take self-paced courses, and more.