On-Land Retreat

Finding Refuge, Finding Home: A Retreat in Nature

In the storms of our lives we need refuge, nourishment, and support—a place to replenish our tired bodies and troubled hearts. When the Buddha offered his teachings, his first instruction was to go meditate under a tree. Throughout this retreat, we will practice together in the age-old tradition of being outside in the company of the natural world. We will explore tapping into the natural stillness and dynamism that surrounds us and teaches us. As we integrate stillness and movement, we move toward being active participants in the world while maintaining balance and ease in our hearts and minds.

Teaching Team

Susie Harrington
Mark Coleman

Mark Coleman


Mark has trained extensively in the Buddhist tradition. He is a senior teacher at Spirit Rock, an author and has taught insight meditation since 1997.

Mark has led wilderness nature retreats worldwide for two twenty decades and leads leads year long nature meditation teacher trainings in the US and Europe.

Yong Oh

Yong Oh


Yong Oh teaches at the Durango Dharma Center and Sacred Mountain Sangha. He teaches at the Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock and Vallecitos Retreat Center. He loves bringing the practice of meditation into nature and has particular interest in devotional expression, supporting caregivers, and communities of color in the Dharma.

bruni dávila

bruni dávila


bruni dávila (she/they) has practiced Insight/Zen meditation since 1995. A graduate from the 2017-2021 IMS Teacher Training Program, she has been guided and supported by various wonderful teachers/sanghas, and her ancestors of Puerto Rican heritage. bruni's practice is grounded in the teachings of Mahasi Sayadaw and Sayadaw U Tejaniya.

Liz Powell, LMFT

Liz Powell, LMFT


Practicing vipassana since 2004, Liz Powell is currently in Nature Dharma Teacher Training with Susie Harrington, Mark Coleman and Gil Fronsdal. A graduate of Local Dharma Leader Training at Insight Meditation Center (IMC), as well as DPP4 and APP1 at Spirit Rock, she has taught programs at IMC since 2009.

Thimo Wittich

Thimo Wittich


Thimo Wittich began practicing meditation and yoga in 2008. Between 2018 and 2022 he completed the Committed Practitioner Program and the Teacher Training Program at Bodhi College. He is currently participating in the Nature Dharma Training and assists his teachers in retreats and online courses in Germany and the USA.

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