On-Land Retreat

With the World on Fire, Embody the Eightfold Path

The Buddha offered the Noble Eightfold Path as a way to direct our lives away from entanglement and towards true freedom. As we find ourselves moving into an increasing ecological crisis and witnessing its impact on the planet and our lives, the Buddha’s teaching becomes ever more relevant and essential. During this retreat, Ayya Ananadabodhi, Ayya Santacitta, and Ayya Santussika will offer teachings on this theme with an emphasis on bringing the path to the whole of our experience. This retreat is open to all genders. PLEASE NOTE: Retreatants are encouraged to keep the 8 Precepts for the entire length of this retreat. For those who choose not to keep the 6th Precept, a light supper will be available. This retreat may not be a good match if you are unable to meet the limited intake of food requirement. The Eight Precepts: 1. Not intentionally killing or harming any living creatures. 2. Not stealing, or concerning oneself with the possessions of others. 3. Not engaging in sexual activity of any kind. 4. Not lying or using speech harmfully. (On retreat this precept is usually observed as Noble Silence--keeping the silence unless there is a practical necessity to speak.) 5. Not taking intoxicating drink or drugs. 6. Not eating after mid-day. (Optional) 7. Not seeking amusements or wearing special bodily adornment. (On retreat one dresses and acts in a modest and restrained manner.) 8. Not using sleep indulgently.

Teaching Team

Ayya Anandabodhi
Ayya Santacitta
Ayya Santussika
Emily Carpenter

Emily Carpenter


Emily has practiced meditation and Hatha yoga since 1998. She has studied several forms of yoga and is a graduate of Spirit Rock's Community Dharma Leader program. Emily lives in Portland Oregon where she owns a web design business and also works as an IFS-informed life coach.

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