On-Land Retreat

Tenderness Retreat: Compassion for Self and All Beings

A heart that can stay open and present in the face of dukkha (suffering or dissatisfaction) is one that is well-trained in compassion. This quality is recognized in those who are fully awakened, and it is a time-honored practice by those on the Buddhist path. This retreat will begin with instruction designed to ease the nervous system and soften the barriers to a tender, open heart. This will be followed with instructions using the ancient radiating method of brahmavihāra practice, which opens the heart of compassion towards all beings, including oneself. It is a gentle but powerful approach to compassion practice suitable for newer and seasoned practitioners alike. (This practice, however, may not be suitable for those with an easily activated trauma history.)  Training in the way of compassion can bring clarity and connection to life without denying its challenges. It is transformative work leading toward healing and peace.

Teaching Team

Kate Munding

Kate Munding


Kate Munding sits on the Spirit Rock Teacher Council and the guiding teacher for Assaya Sangha, a women's Buddhist meditation community. In addition to her Dharma teaching, Kate has been a mindfulness educator in schools since 2008. She is the co-founder and main teacher for Now Children.

Gullu Singh, JD

Gullu Singh, JD


Gulwinder “Gullu” Singh is Dharma teacher and corporate attorney with extensive training in both the practice and instruction of meditation. Gullu is inspired to share the Buddhist teachings as a path to well-being and a way to meet the challenges of life with more ease, grace and resiliency.

JD Doyle, MA

JD Doyle, MA


JD Doyle(they/them) served as Core Teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center, where they co-founded the Alphabet(LGBTQIA+) Sangha, and as Guiding Teacher at Insight Santa Cruz. They graduated from Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Retreat Teacher Training in 2020.

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