On-Land Retreat

Befriending Mortality: Living An Awakened Life Through Mindfulness of Death

Death is not exactly a typical dinner table topic in modern, dominant Western culture. We all “know” that we die, yet we tend to ignore it and put our collective heads in the sand. Rather than running away from our inevitable mortality, we can harness the power of this reflection to stay aligned with our deepest values and to live and love more fully. Through mindfulness of death (maraṇasati), we become more present for this miraculous, passing show called life with gladness and gratitude. Fully embracing our life’s impermanence can give rise to a deep letting go and freedom, so that we can be fearlessly and peacefully prepared for our death as a potentially liberative moment. Considering the myriad spiritual benefits of maraṇasati, let us come together to explore this supreme practice, one on which the Buddha invited us to reflect daily for the sake of ourselves and others. This silent retreat includes one daily session of interactive practice which is particularly essential for deepening and supporting our engagement with maraṇasati practice.

Continuing Education: 18 CE Credits


This program offers 18 CE Credits Continuing Education (CE) credits for $180 for , and may be applicable for other licenses. Please review our CEC information page for full provider information.

To be eligible for Continuing Education Credits (CECs), you must:

  • Register and pay for CECs by 4:30 p.m. PT, the business day before the program. After the program begins, no retroactive CECs will be given and the CEC fee is non-refundable.
  • Attend in full and fulfill all attendance requirements and next steps. No exceptions. Please review the CEC information page for attendance requirements.


Learning Objectives

Additional notes

  • For full provider information, and additional CEC information, including attendance requirements, cancellation, and grievance policies, please visit our CEC information page.
  • Spirit Rock is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16905, for 18 contact hours.
  • Credit is awarded for instructional time only and does not include extended silent meditation, if offered.
  • For those with a different license or with a license from a different licensing board, please contact your licensing board directly to ask if CE credit from the above-approved sponsors is accepted. Spirit Rock does not confirm applicability of credit for those with licenses different than those listed above.

Additional Information

COVID-19 Safety Protocols - Residential Retreats

  • Proof of Negative Test Result: All practitioners must bring proof (a photo or actual test) of a same-day negative antigen test that they have taken prior to arrival. Practitioners who forget will be assisted by Spirit Rock staff. Individuals will not be admitted to the retreat if the test result is positive for COVID-19.
  • Proof of Vaccination + Booster (at least 1) is Required: You will be required to submit proof of vaccination + booster to attend retreat. No proof, no admittance. If you have not received any COVID-19 booster since your first COVID vaccination, you will need to have a booster before you attend retreat; and, this first booster must have been received no less than two weeks (14 days) PRIOR to the retreat start. Any FDA-approved booster is acceptable.
  • Masking Change (effective June 5, 2023): Masking will be optional for all participants, staff, and teachers, attending a residential retreat starting in June 2023. We strongly encourage you to decide what level of masking to use and when, based on your own comfort and/or risk for severe illness and that of members of your household and their risk tolerance. If you choose to mask, any masking type is allowed. Please bring your own supply of masks.
  • PLEASE READ: More details on our current COVID Safety Protocols for Residential Retreats.

What is a Retreat Commuter?

What is a Retreat Commuter?

A retreat commuter is a practitioner who attends a full residential retreat, including all meals, but they are not provided with overnight accommodations. Instead practitioners stay in their own home or find local accommodations. A communal resting area is provided during the day while on campus for the retreat. The retreat commuter is expected to attend the entire retreat just like residential retreatants. Special reduced rates are available for retreat commuters. An added benefit of a retreat commuter, is that you could be offered a residential spot on opening day due to a very last minute cancellation. Additional fees will be due if this option is accepted.

The retreat commuter option will only become available once the retreat is full with a waitlist.

Prerequisite to Attend as a Commuter:

You must have attended at least one 7-night or two 5-night silent, Insight (vipassanā) meditation residential retreats PRIOR to attending this retreat. Online retreat experience is not eligible for this prerequisite.

If you have questions about being a retreat commuter, please email [email protected]

General Lottery Information for Residential Retreats

Applications are accepted for about a 3 week period. All applications are assigned a random number for the lottery selection process. The lottery-style selection process helps us balance many factors to create equity, diversity, inclusion, and access across our community of practitioners. These factors include: age, gender, scholarship needs & availability, affinity group participation, and stage of practice (new to experienced). Applications received after the close date are automatically placed on the waitlist (and will not be included in the first round of selections). Notification rounds can move quickly in the first few weeks following the first acceptances, so we recommend staying ready. You may be accepted sooner than you realize!

You will be notified about the selection results within two weeks of the application close date. If you have been offered a space, you will have two days to pay a deposit to accept/hold the space. If you don’t accept the space within this deadline, we will offer it to the next person in line.

Teaching Team

Nikki Mirghafori, PhD

Nikki Mirghafori, PhD


Nikki Mirghafori, PhD, is a Buddhist teacher and Artificial Intelligence scientist. She was empowered by the living Burmese meditation master Venerable Pa Auk Sayadaw, with whom she practiced the jhanas and detailed analytical vipassana. She serves as a Stewarding Teacher and on the Board of Directors at Spirit Rock.

John Martin

John Martin


John Martin has been devoted to dharma practice since 2001. He serves as the Co-Chair of the Spirit Rock Guiding Teachers Council. John teaches Vipassana, Metta and LGBTQI-themed meditation retreats. He also teaches in dedicated practitioner programs and supports practitioners in bringing practice to daily life.

Kodo Conlin

Kodo Conlin


Kodo Conlin has practiced Buddhist meditation for nearly 20 years. A participant in the 2021-2025 IMC/IRC Teacher Training, Kodo's training in Vipassana has included extended residential practice as well as long retreat at Spirit Rock and Insight Retreat Center. Kodo's teaching emphasizes a joyful, comprehensive freedom of the heart.

Frank Ostaseski

Frank Ostaseski


Frank Ostaseski Hoshi, is a respected Buddhist teacher and a pioneer in contemplative end of life care. He is the visionary co-founder of the Zen Hospice Project and the Metta Institute and the author of The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully.

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