On-Land Retreat

Finding Your Ground: Mindful Yoga and Embodied Dharma

How do we stay grounded, centered, and rooted in compassion and wisdom, especially in times of personal and global challenges? In this silent retreat, we’ll offer teachings and tools from the Dharma and Yoga traditions for settling your nervous system, grounding your energy, and connecting in an embodied way with what matters most. You’ll replenish your body, heart, and mind with a seamless flow of meditation in movement and in stillness, within a spacious schedule that offers ample time to rest, be in nature, and honor the natural rhythms of your own practice. Each day includes gentle guided Yoga; seated, walking, standing, and lying down meditation; Dharma reflections; and small group meetings with a teacher. You’ll go home with powerful, practical tools for staying centered in your daily life, and you'll be better equipped to respond with wisdom and compassion to the urgent needs of our times.

Teaching Team

Anne Cushman

Anne Cushman


Anne Cushman is the author of the memoir The Mama Sutra; the novel Enlightenment for Idiots; and Moving Into Meditation, a mindful yoga guidebook. A dharma and yoga practitioner since 1982, she is a Spirit Rock residential retreat teacher and director of mentoring for the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program.

Leslie Booker

Leslie Booker


Booker is a Spirit Rock Teacher Training graduate, committed to creating a culture of belonging. She was voted as one of the 12 Powerful Women in the Mindfulness Movement in 2020, and is a Co-Guiding Teacher of New York Insight. She lives in Philadelphia with her partner and pup.

Kate Johnson, MA

Kate Johnson, MA


Kate Johnson is a meditation teacher, facilitator, writer and mama. She offers classes and retreats integrating relational spirituality, social justice, somatics and creativity, and consults with organizations committed to equity, sustainability, and the practice of wise relationships. She is also the author of the book Radical Friendship.

Rolf Gates

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