On-Land Retreat

Reclamation of the Sacred: Journey into Refuge, Presence, and Love

In helping us to deepen our refuge and reconnect with what is most precious and sacred in this life, this retreat will draw from various teachings and practices that open us to the heart of compassion. The retreat will be informed by a synthesis of Theravāda Buddhism as transmitted through the Thai Forest Tradition and the teachings of Ajahn Chah, and Mahāyāna practices and teachings around Quan Yin’s compassionate Bodhisattva Path.  Our time together will include a morning chanting and bowing practice, chanting several times throughout the day, and a concluding Quan Yin Compassion Ceremony. These devotional practices invite an attitude of humility, respect, and reverence that helps to reconnect us to the sacred. The retreat will also include Dharma talks, meditation instructions, daily Yoga sessions, and group practice meetings with the teachers. Please note that the format of this retreat is different from many at Spirit Rock due to the emphasis on chanting, mantra, and ceremony.

Teaching Team

Thanissara, MA

Thanissara, MA


Thanissara is Anglo-Irish, a Dharma teacher, author, poet, and spiritual guide who trained as a monastic for 12 years in the Forest School of Ajahn Chah. She is a practitioner of the Kuan Yin Dharmas, has led meditation retreats for 35+ years, and has an MA in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy.

Gullu Singh, JD

Gullu Singh, JD


Gulwinder “Gullu” Singh is Dharma teacher and corporate attorney with extensive training in both the practice and instruction of meditation. Gullu is inspired to share the Buddhist teachings as a path to well-being and a way to meet the challenges of life with more ease, grace and resiliency.

Dawn Mauricio

Dawn Mauricio


Dawn Mauricio has been practicing and studying Insight Meditation since 2005, and has graduated from several Buddhist programs, including Spirit Rock's 4-year Teacher Training. She teaches with a playful, dynamic, and heartfelt approach in Canada and the US, to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and folks of all backgrounds.

Yong Oh

Yong Oh


Yong Oh teaches at the Durango Dharma Center and Sacred Mountain Sangha. He teaches at the Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock and Vallecitos Retreat Center. He loves bringing the practice of meditation into nature and has particular interest in devotional expression, supporting caregivers, and communities of color in the Dharma.

Djuna Devereaux, E-RYT

Djuna Devereaux, E-RYT


Djuna Devereaux has taught yoga and Dharma for 20 years. She teaches retreats at Spirit Rock, leads their Dharma and Yoga Trainings, and is a core teacher for Sacred Mountain Sangha. Djuna teaches internationally for Prajna Yoga, and is in private practice as a yoga therapist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

Adam Stonebraker

Adam Stonebraker


Adam Stonebraker discovered and began practicing Yoga and Meditation in 1999 and has been teaching to diverse audiences both locally and internationally since 2010.

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