Online Retreat

Write to Wake Up: Creative Writing and Meditation

Unleash your stories, stir your imagination, and honor the wild heart of your life through an immersive weekend of creative writing and meditation. Together we’ll practice writing in a way that helps us wake up. We’ll settle our minds and open our hearts through meditation in movement and stillness, so we can write from a deeper place. Through sharing our stories with each other, we’ll connect with our common humanity. Our weekend together will include: guided meditation practice; writing prompts that awaken imagery, memory, and story; gentle mindful movement practices to increase sensitivity, develop inner listening, and unclog pathways of creative energy; inspirational poems and quotes; practical teachings to make your writing more vivid and powerful; sharing your writing in small groups without judgment or critique.

Teaching Team

Anne Cushman

Anne Cushman


Anne Cushman is the author of the memoir The Mama Sutra; the novel Enlightenment for Idiots; and Moving Into Meditation, a mindful yoga guidebook. A dharma and yoga practitioner since 1982, she is a Spirit Rock residential retreat teacher and director of mentoring for the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program.

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Kristin Neff

Kristin Neff

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