Online Retreat

Perspectives on Buddhist Practice from Ajahn Chah: Virtue, Relinquishment, Awareness, and Liberation 

Ajahn Pasanno spent many years training with Ajahn Chah, inheriting a unique perspective including some essential parts of the Buddha's teachings that have not fully made their way into Western Buddhist culture. These include Ajahn Chah's emphasis on virtue, relinquishment, the quality of awareness, and full liberation as the potential result of committed Dhamma practice. Throughout this daylong, Ajahn Pasanno will share teachings from Ajahn Chah and discuss the ways they have guided his practice through stories, reflections, periods of meditation, and discussion. Please bring lunch and, if you wish, food to offer the monks. As in the time of the Buddha, the Abhayagiri monks do not grow or buy food and are completely dependent on donations. The monastics eat one main meal a day in late-morning and monastic regulations require that they finish by midday. Offering food to the monastics during the day retreat provides an opportunity to participate in the tradition.  Other donations are also gratefully accepted for Abhayagiri Monastery, though they are by no means required. You can view a list of needed items or make a donation here:

Teaching Team

Ajahn Pasanno

Ajahn Pasanno


Ajahn Pasanno took ordination in Thailand in 1974 and was a disciple of Ajahn Chah. He is now the Guiding Elder at Abhayagiri Monastery.

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