On-Land Retreat

The Nature Inside: A Women's Daylong on the Four Elements

The Buddha gave ample instruction on how to cultivate mindfulness using the body, and one of the methods he taught was the use of the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. The characteristics of these elements run through all of us, reminding us of our connection to the greater world of nature. They also offer Dharmic teachings on impermanence and anatta (not self). For some women, bringing mindfulness to the body is not easy. There may be a negative relationship between the body and how it looks, how it's aging, and how it's perceived by others. The four elements practice offers opportunities for healing and a new perspective. Throughout this meditation daylong for self-identified women, our schedule will flow between sitting and movement meditation, guidance, and silence. Join in community for a connective, welcoming, and restorative retreat.

Teaching Team

Kate Munding

Kate Munding


Kate Munding sits on the Spirit Rock Teacher Council and the guiding teacher for Assaya Sangha, a women's Buddhist meditation community. In addition to her Dharma teaching, Kate has been a mindfulness educator in schools since 2008. She is the co-founder and main teacher for Now Children.

Antonia Fokken, LMFT

Antonia Fokken, LMFT


Antonia is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified EMDR Therapist, Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist with a background in Somatic Therapy and Art Therapy. She was introduced to yoga and meditation in college in 1994, and has continued to dive into the teachings ever since then.

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