Cara Lai

Residential Retreat Teacher

Cara has spent most of her life in pursuit of meaning and happiness, which landed her in the meditative arts for most of her adult life. Throughout many mind-body adventures, she has explored the concentrated mind, chronic illness, the value of pleasure, the power of maternal energy, and connection to the earth. In the past, Cara worked as an artist, wilderness guide, social worker and psychotherapist. Now, after emerging from a year of solitude, she finds herself practicing in unconventional ways and using her intuition as her guide. She tries her best to teach from the most authentic and vulnerable place she can muster, and is still learning about the contentment of simply existing.

Emotions don’t need to be something we have to run away from or try to regulate. And they don’t have to be seen as an obstacle to happiness and awakening. They can be used for something positive! We can ask ourselves, “Does my way of relating to this emotion—or does the way that it’s being expressed—lead to more suffering or less suffering?” Because emotions can lead us towards more wisdom and compassion when we move with them skillfully. When we can be curious about them, make space for them, and honor them. This is the art and skill we’re learning to do here.
Cara Lai, Opening to Emotions

Cara Lai's Upcoming Programs

Retreat On-Land Hybrid

April 1 - April 8, 2025 Tuesday - Tuesday | 7 nights

Steadying the Heart: Refuge through the Four Sublime States

Registration Open. The Buddhist path cultivates four transformative qualities that can be developed into steadfast dwelling places for the heart: kindness, compassion, joy, and balance. Known as the brahmavihāras, these states can be powerful supports for deepening concentration and insight on the contemplative path and responding to suffering. Throughout this retreat, we will explore techniques to develop each of these states, and release the obstacles that hinder us from living a full life and responding meaningfully to the needs of our world.

Oren Jay Sofer

Oren Jay Sofer

Cara Lai

Cara Lai

Yong Oh

Yong Oh

Jessica Morey

Jessica Morey

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Retreat Online Non-Residential | Hybrid

April 1 - April 8, 2025 Tuesday - Tuesday

Steadying the Heart: Refuge through the Four Sublime States

Registration Open. The Buddhist path cultivates four transformative qualities that can be developed into steadfast dwelling places for the heart: kindness, compassion, joy, and balance. Known as the brahmavihāras, these states can be powerful supports for deepening concentration and insight on the contemplative path and responding to suffering. Throughout this retreat, we will explore techniques to develop each of these states, and release the obstacles that hinder us from living a full life and responding meaningfully to the needs of our world.

Oren Jay Sofer

Oren Jay Sofer

Cara Lai

Cara Lai

Yong Oh

Yong Oh

Jessica Morey

Jessica Morey

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Family On-Land

July 30 - August 3, 2025 Wednesday - Sunday | 4 nights

The Family Retreat

Applications Open February 19, 2025. Find joy in a retreat for the whole family and take time together to rest, reconnect, play, and enjoy! This four-night residential retreat for adults and children ages 7-15 years old will combine meditation and Dharma teachings, games, arts and crafts, nature time, and more. Kids and teens will have organized time each day to be with peers, fully supervised by our mindful leaders, and adults will also have time to practice, relax, and receive Dharma from the teachers.

Diana Winston

Diana Winston

Cara Lai

Cara Lai

Ofosu Jones-Quartey

Ofosu Jones-Quartey

Retreat On-Land

August 5 - August 10, 2025 Tuesday - Sunday | 5 nights

Young Adult Retreat

Registration Opens - February 19. Join a kind community to practice mindfulness and compassion. Give yourself a break from overstimulation and come home to the simple experience of being alive. In mindfulness meditation, we practice resting, looking deeply, knowing moment-by-moment what it’s like to be human. Some of us are hesitant to look because we’re concerned what we’ll find. But our practice shows us that the more deeply we look into experience, the more reason we have to love.

Matthew Brensilver

Matthew Brensilver

Cara Lai

Cara Lai

Vinny Ferraro

Vinny Ferraro

Hakim Tafari

Hakim Tafari

Dharma Library

Can't join us live online or on the land? Study and practice at your convenience with Cara Lai through our new library of recordings, articles, and self-paced online courses.