Jai Uttal

Guest Teacher

Jai Uttal, grammy nominee, kirtan artist, and world music pioneer has been a leading influence in the Bhakti tradition for over 50 years. Jai considers devotion to be the core of his musical and spiritual life, and he whole-heartedly shares his passionate heart through his voice and songs.

Jai creates a safe environment for people to open their hearts and voices. No previous experience is needed.

Jai Uttal

Jai Uttal's Upcoming Programs

Retreat On-Land

Sunday, December 15 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Chanting, Meditation and Winter Solstice Ritual

The great love, joy, and sacred light that this season celebrates are found within our own hearts. During our time together, we’ll experience the nourishment of interconnection as we use the powerful and sublime blend of chanting and meditation to carry us from the frenzy of “holiday mind” to the ocean of the awakened heart. This uplifting evening will include chanting (call and response) and meditation, and we will conclude with a beautiful candlelight ritual to honor the winter solstice.

Jai Uttal

Jai Uttal

Erin Selover

Erin Selover