Margarita Loinaz

Guest Teacher

Margarita Loinaz began buddhist practice in 1977 with Kalu Rimpoche and trained in the Theravada and Tibetan traditions. Her Dzogchen teacher is Lama Drimed Norbu. She began teaching in 1997 leading the Women of Color Sitting group with Marlene Jones and co organizing the first People of Color Retreat at SRMC in 1999. She worked as a public health physician in San Francisco serving the homeless and Latinx communities. Her current teaching blends Dzogchen practice with social justice and environmental awareness. She was born in the Dominican Republic and is a grandmother.

Margarita Loinaz
Embodying ourselves fully is key to developing the capacity we need for this moment. When you look at the nature of the mind, that awareness is facilitated by having the entire body awake and aware. In deep meditation, everything is awake and perceiving. The body is the instrument for the awakened mind. With deeper embodiment, we’re more capable of opening to the non-conceptual awareness within which our experience is happening, the source of the entire manifest world. We become aware of our ground, and when that starts to open up, it empowers us in a way that nothing else will.
Margarita Loinaz, Embodiment and the Dharma Continuum

Margarita Loinaz's Upcoming Programs

Retreat Online

Sunday, February 9 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

The Ultimate Refuge

Beyond all effort and achievement, the pathless path opens into our deepest refuge—the recognition of our essential nature. Beyond the limitations of the intellect, this way to freedom unfolds through the very landscape of our unique and precious lives. Without needing to reject or adopt anything, a profound openness integrates the boundless with the particulars of our experience and opens the door of non-duality, freeing our hearts and minds. This daylong will include meditation, Dharma reflections, movement, and Q&A. 

Margarita Loinaz

Margarita Loinaz

Dharma Library

Can't join us live online or on the land? Study and practice at your convenience with Margarita Loinaz through our new library of recordings, articles, and self-paced online courses.

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