Rachel Lewis

Guest Teacher

Rachel Lewis began practicing meditation while completing her physics PhD at Yale. She completed Spirit Rock's Dedicated Practitioners Program and Community Dharma Leader training (CDL4). During CDL, she developed a songbook of Buddhist music including her own choral arrangements of traditional chants. She has taught classes and short retreats in British Columbia since 2010, including at a prison and in Vancouver's Downtown East Side.

Rachel Lewis

Rachel Lewis' Upcoming Programs

Retreat On-Land

December 8 - December 18, 2024 Sunday - Wednesday | 10 nights

Meeting the Three Characteristics through Cultivating Stability, Well-being, and Confidence

Spaces Available. In this retreat, we tend to the three qualities of stability, well-being, and confidence, all of which support insight into the three characteristics of existence. Then we explore and befriend these characteristics—namely, aniccā (impermanence, inconstancy), dukkha (stress, unsatisfactoriness, suffering) and anattā (not-self, impersonality, ungovernability)—in our own lived experience. When we understand and make peace with these characteristics, we have more ease, compassion, and freedom in our lives, and we can be of more benefit to ourselves, others, and the world.

Nikki Mirghafori

Nikki Mirghafori

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Rachel Lewis

Rachel Lewis

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Mei Elliott

Mei Elliott

Isabelle Frenette

Isabelle Frenette