Ralph Steele, LMFT

Guest Teacher

Ralph Steele has been teaching meditation since 1987. He ran a meditation-based trauma clinic for thirty-two years in Santa Fe. A Vietnam combat veteran who also ordained as a Theravada monk in Myanmar and in the Ven. Ajahn Chah Thai-Forest tradition, Ralph has studied extensively with Tibetan, Zen, and other Thai Forest Masters. In 2001 he completed a teacher training with Jack Kornfield; Ralph spearheaded retreats for People of Color at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, CA., and at Insight Meditation Society, MA. He founded the first "Elizabeth Kubler-Ross" Hospice Training Program (Associate Degree); and the Veteran Meditation Retreat Project. He is the guiding teacher of Life Transition Meditation Center, where he teaches intensive meditation practices. Ralph is the author of “Tending The Fire”.