Tanya T Wiser, LCSW

Tanya Wiser began a four-year teacher training program in 2021 under Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Fella at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, California. Her dharma practice began in 2006. She has a master's degree in Clinical Social Work and is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. Her understanding of Theravada Buddhism is primarily informed by the teachings of Gil Fronsdal and Andrea Fella. Tanya's approach to sharing the practice is shaped by her direct experience of the Dharma and further informed by her training in Mindfulness, Compassion & Somatic based therapies.

Tanya T Wiser's Upcoming Programs

Retreat On-Land

September 2 - September 5, 2024 Monday - Thursday | 3 nights

Coming Home to Ourselves

A Few Spaces Available! Come home to yourself with the simple and direct practice of being present for your experience. Insight Meditation allows the restless heart to settle through the gentle practice of repeatedly connecting with and returning to the here and now. It is here in the present moment where we discover the peace and well-being we yearn for. This retreat is suitable for beginners as well as experienced practitioners and is silent except for practice instructions, teacher-led Q&A, and practice discussions.

Diana Clark

Diana Clark

Nikki Mirghafori

Nikki Mirghafori

Andrea Castillo

Andrea Castillo

Tanya T Wiser

Tanya T Wiser