Tara Marchant

Guest Teacher


Emerging back into an authentic, mindful self (artist, storyteller, council holder, teacher, writer, myth maker, land steward and meditation practitioner), while contributing to our larger humyn communities, and bringing meaning and communications that touch us from the heart of Mother Earth.

Let go:

Fifteen years in social, environmental, economic justice work in the green economy (built infrastructure) and working on equitable food systems supporting BIPOC communities access to training, jobs and leadership positions. Previously with The Greenling Institute.

Grateful for all my relations and all my learning. For the breath of learning and knowledge received and given. Releasing the ‘exhausted-director’ syndrome in the non-profit industrial complex yet inviting and moving into deeper coherence to my heART offerings.


Re-inhabit the interbeing of soul and the world to become elders /ancestors that listen to the greater intelligence and mystery that surrounds us while contributing to our collective, braided wisdom and knowing.

Consultation on emergent new ways around stewarding the healing of self, community, planet and our innate indigenous becoming. Through song, story, grief, joy and community.

Many collaborations and partnerships.

and an invitation...

Website forthcoming

Tara Marchant