Teja Bell

Guest Teacher, Movement Teacher

Teja Bell (Fudo Myoo Rōshi 老師) is a lineage dharma teacher and Rinzai Zen master, the 84th ancestor of Lin-Chi I-Chuan's Chan lineage. He is a 6th degree Black Belt in Aikido and a life-long practitioner and teacher of Chinese Internal Arts and Qigong. Teaching Internationally (in China and Europe), Teja integrates meditation, and dharma, with qigong/neigong's somatic skills as embodied mindfulness. He conducts teacher trainings and in-depth practice sessions along with regular online classes and has taught over 150 retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center since 1999. Teja is committed to the lifelong pursuit and mastery of these evolving teachings and disciplines, and to the ethical and empowering communication and transmission of their essential qualities, for universal benefit.

Teja Bell's Upcoming Programs

Retreat On-Land

December 1 - December 7, 2024 Sunday - Saturday | 6 nights

In the Presence of Love: A Mettā & Qigong Retreat

Spaces Available. This retreat focuses on cultivating lovingkindness (mettā in Pāli), infusing our hearts, minds, and bodies with a strong, caring wisdom. Lovingkindness practices open the heart, allow a kind embrace of ourselves, and connect us intimately with all of life. Qigong—a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness—perfectly complements traditional sitting meditation practice and has a well-established connection to contemplative traditions. On this retreat, lovingkindness practices will be supported by guided instruction as well as Qigong, meditation, and meetings with teachers.

Vinny Ferraro

Vinny Ferraro

Teja Bell

Teja Bell

Leslie Booker

Leslie Booker

Dharma Library

Can't join us live online or on the land? Study and practice at your convenience with Teja Bell through our new library of recordings, articles, and self-paced online courses.