Zahra Ahmed
Guest Teacher
Dr. Ahmed’s practice is informed by Islam, Ifa, Buddhism and many other Indigenous rituals. She tries to be responsive to life’s needs and allow her spiritual practice to evolve accordingly. Zahra is a graduate of the sixth cohort of the Practice in Transformative Action program (PiTA), which is offered through the East Bay Meditation Center. She also served as an apprentice teacher for the program for two consecutive years. Zahra is a Professor of Politics at St. Mary’s College with a focus on contemplative practices within social movements, political mobilization among people of color, and critical community engagement. She is also the mother of one daughter who serves as one of her most important spiritual teachers. Zahra is nourished by running, photography, and all forms of music - especially deep house.
Dharma Library
Can't join us live online or on the land? Study and practice at your convenience with Zahra Ahmed through our new library of recordings, articles, and self-paced online courses.